plants on windowsill

Bringing the Outside in

One of the things that really sold our house to us when we we viewed it back in late summer of 2013, was that it had such a great outlook at the back, into the back garden and beyond.

Our Living room and our kitchen are both at the back of the house, both South facing. I love that we have a near uninterrupted view of the back garden. It gives a feeling of the outside being part of the inside, as the view is such a key part of each of these rooms at the back.

The living room has sliding doors across the back part of the room for easy access to the garden. I shared recently how bright it can get in this room and our solution for it here.

We recently had these sliding doors replaced. The previous ones were aluminium relics from the late 70s/early 80s and were so heavy to use we barely opened the doors in this room at all. The ones we’ve now got are so much lighter to open and make the room look bigger with the white UVPC frames (I wasn’t sure how these’d look at first tbh, but I was worried unnecessarily).

We had a local family firm do our doors, which we’ve been really pleased with. Sliding doors are a fantastic way of bringing the feeling of nature into your home- your garden almost becomes part of the room. If you are looking to have something similar you could try Network Veka which is a network of trusted installers. To be listed with the Network, installers have to prove they offer professionalism, value for money, customer satisfaction and expert advice.

With sliding doors there’s no hiding from the back garden though. It means we see all the work that needs doing to it!

The garden needs some TLC, but it’s just not been very high up on the priority list so far. Despite appearances the girls love to play outside in it. It’s great to be able to keep an eye on them through the sliding glass doors whilst they are outside and I’m having 5 minutes to myself.

One thing I’ve spoke about previously here is my lack of a green thumb- hence the back garden situation. This year I’d really like to work on this skill outside, and also with more house plants inside. I’ve a windowsill with some house plants on but I’d really like to expand on this throughout the house. Here’s my windowsill which is on the stairs.

A girls got to start somewhere right!

plants on windowsill

I’ve gathered some inspiring images here of some great bloggers who are way better than me at the plant business and who really embrace bringing the outside in, with plants.

This plant stand is gorgeous and I could see something like this in our living room as we have the similar full length windows in our sliding doors. This blog (Lobster & Swan) is fantastic for getting ideas and following Jeska’s journey into loving plants. Link under the photo below.

bringing the outside in with plantsImage credit- Jeska from Lobster & Swan

I love the way Igor from Happy Interior Blog has styled these plants in his tiny kitchen, bring a real sense of greenery and the outdoors into what can sometimes be a sterile environment. It really warms up the space and makes it feel more like a home. Igor is also part of the Urban Jungle Bloggers which is a huge inspiring place online to learn about plants.igor happy interior blog plants in kitchen shelvesPhoto by Igor Josifovic of Happy Interior Blog

I love the idea of having shelves or even picture rails with plants on, succulents would be great for this and are a low maintenance plant to care for (allegedly, I managed to get some fluffy aphids on one of mine) .

Jen from Little Birdie shows off a beautiful example of this idea below in her post about a Plant Shelf. Great for when the weather doesnt allow you to get into the garden.

jen little birdie plant shelvesPhoto by Jen Chillingsworth of Little Birdie

Do you have a green thumb?

22 responses to “Bringing the Outside in”

  1. I’m all for bringing the outdoor inside, at one point we counted about 20 plants in our living room, we’ve since cut down as that was boardering hoarder territory (or craziness). Green brings life and a sense of promise to home, I can’t explain, plants are very soothing to be around and nurture. Hattie xx

    1. Hattie I totally agree, I think my problem has been forming the habits to remember to look after them!! Work in progress. Have a lovely week x

  2. My mum is a massive garden and plant fan and I grew up with plants inside and outside the house! Moving into my first place with my boyfriend, I like having flowers in the flat, when we move somewhere a little more permanent I want to get more plants and bring the outdoors indoors! x

    1. My mum is also a huge greenery fan!

  3. God I want to see your place… I bet it’s super stunning in real life – you just seem to put so much thought into all things interior!!

    1. Ah thanks OLiver! Have a great week xx

  4. Lovely inspiration, and something I am trying to do myself now that I am settled in one place (putting down roots, ha!). I have a big Kentia palm on my wish list, hope I don’t kill it when I get it!

    1. Oh yes! I’d love one of those. Oh the responsibility! Good luck!

  5. Oh I do love some good plants! Alas, I always lose so many over the winter months that my ‘crop’ is looking a little sad at the moment. With the sun blazing the last few days, however, I’m already itching to buy some new ones. Love them in the kitchen and in my living room, it just adds so much to the space 🙂 xxx

    1. It really does Kimberley- I need a trip to the garden centre too!

  6. I Love bringing the outside in and having house plants around the flat, but my green fingers could be a bit better, I always find they die on me! Plants will love your sunny south facing rooms

    1. Ah I hope so Cate! Thanks xx

  7. Great inspirational images! I’m really envious of people who are great with plants. I’m really not. I have to have super hardy plants that thrive on neglect as I really do tend to kill them. But I love having a feeling of outdoors inside my home. I sadly don’t have sliding doors like you as I live in a first floor flat. But we do have a gorgeous valley view at the back of the flat. I’m determined to get more green fingered this year though and keep some plants alive.

    1. Ah lovely- yes I really want to add this string to my bow. You could have window boxes maybe?

  8. I love greenery indoors but definitely need a few tips to keep my plants from dying! xx

    1. Over water underwatering- I usually do one of them!

  9. welovehomeblog Avatar

    I’m slowly slowly introducing lots of plants into my home too. For every three I buy, I manage to kill at least one. I love the ladder idea. I might steal that for one on my lonely alcoves to pop my plants on.

    1. I’m like that too!! It’d look ace in an alcove x

  10. I just started with this all indoor inside. I am huge fan myself but becuase of cats I could do nothing! i have now so many new ideas and I am definitely bringing it in!

  11. I do love pops of green plants in the home… But they never last very long with me. I do have a few faux though – I know it’s cheating but they do look quite good and do the job haha 😉 xx

  12. Time to up my plant game again… my plant family has grown a lot over the last year but as spring hits I just know i’m gona be filled with the urge for more greenery. Can’t wait!!

  13. Love Igor’s styling. If only I was as good with houseplants. It really makes a difference to the look of the interior doesn’t it? I should try harder.

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