Book Cover Design Process Using 99designs

One of the most exciting parts of self publishing is getting a cover for the story.

Giving a visuals to an idea makes it so much more real.

For ecohorror, Earthly Bodies, my first book, and my first time doing any of this, I used 99designs. This was back in late 2020, I was a newbie at the whole buisiness of self publishing.

The golden rule is to stand out, but in a good way. Looking back on the the process is strange. I feel that often an author is too close to a book, which can't be helped. They know what they've written, of course, but once the book is out there in the wider world, its the Readers who will tell you what the book is about. This is an extraordinary experience and makes you (the author) reassess their work and how it is presented.

Creating a book cover is communicating what the book is and what the reader should expect thematically through the visuals used and the font of the title.

As someone who is hugely creative; once an artist, always an artist, I have to tell you I was tempted to create the cover myself. And to be honest, I could have. But even though I'm pretty handy on Canva and other design software, have a good eye, (can blow own trumpet) book design is in a different league.

I also didnt want to add any more pressure to myself. To get a professional front cover I needed to invest. I'm discerning and book cover styles I wanted to avoid. Also, I knew if designed it, I'd never be happy with it. My perfectionism would rear its ugly head.

To sum up my brief on 99designs;

Beautiful nature but something is off.

I created a slideshow of book cover images from authors and novels that are similer in theme to Earthly Bodies, along with what I didn't want (not pictured- I'm not cruel) and using 99designs I set up a brief that designers could respond to.

The brief included the synopsis of the book, along with some more mood board type images which evoked the kind of feeling I wanted the book exude.

Within 99designs you can also browse portfolios and invite designers you like to participate. As it turns out one of the designers I invited to take part did create the winning design.

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